Friday, January 09, 2004

The Story of the Microwave Oven

Here’s just a little example of what we don’t know.
Where did the microwave oven come from.
It came from The United States Army.
“How did that happen?” You ask.
Somewhere in Alaska there were a bunch of soldiers freezing their asses of but they figured out they could warm up if they stood in front of the big round thing on top of their truck. I think they were working the early warning radar system looking for Russian nuclear missiles or something. The technology was all new so nobody had any idea why it happened , all the guys knew was that it was warm standing in front of the microwave dish just like standing in front of a fireplace and in the middle of winter in the middle of Alaska standing in front of a fireplace sounded like a good idea.
So in front of the fireplace…uh…microwave dish they stood.
The problem with the idea is one we all know now because the technology those men stumbled upon has become commonplace in our modern society.
Yup…They were cooking themselves from the inside out.
They’re all dead now…they died horrific deaths but that’s ok because I can make a tv dinner in 3 minutes and who really has time to cook anyway?
Similar story to the people who discovered x-rays. There’s a reason the person who takes the x-ray goes in the other room behind a lead wall. The people who first made x-ray machines had no idea so they used it like it was a home movie camera. They all died very quickly. Disintegrated.

Say what you will about the x-ray…and they were inventors striving for something…
But is microwave popcorn really a noble enough discovery to have accidentally died for?


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