Monday, May 23, 2005

Past the 1 week point on the not smoking.
Still haven't had a single one.
It never really is just one though, is it. And there-in lies the problem. If I was one of those people who could do it here and there once in a while when I feel like it and not give a rats ass about it the rest of the time that would be great. But I've never really understood those people anyway.

So here we are at a week.
Yes, I'm still thinking about it sometimes. But I don't think I think about it as much as most people seem to when they first quit. It just doesn't pop into my head that often. Especially if I can keep my mind and body occupied. I think last week was the first week I went to work every day and was even there really early a few times. And I got a shitload done between the longer hours and the not having to stop to smoke half a pack of cigarettes throughout the day. Not to mention the almost immediate lung recovery not having to stop nearly as often because the mask is sucking onto my face from breathing so hard and being soaked when running 100 pound bags of demolition trash up and down the stairs and in and out of the van.

There are still times I think about it. Still times I'm tempted. But like Kevin (who is a day behind me and Roz oddly enough) said last night...that feeling is only there for a few seconds before I remember how much they suck.

So I guess I took today off to deal with the biggest of the stresses. The van is still a problem to be dealt with. Last week it was hidden from at work. Went to work as soon as I woke up...stayed until I knew I could do nothing but go home and go to bed. Worked out good for the wallet...bad for the resolution of the main stress issue. So today I took what I guess was my next step. We'll see what happens now.

But through it all, really I'm just not thinking about smoking.

And we should have a discussion about that cure for boredom thing. Because that's been really funny. Without cigarettes to keep me company on the couch in front of the tv or the computer...I just haven't sat there (or here) much. I'm getting all sorts of little things done...and some big things...and not all chore type things, some fun stuff too.

Anyway...I feel like I've been sitting here too long already...


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