Friday, July 15, 2005

Flying Cars spotted over the Nile River!

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

I have taken myself out of the loop. I stopped watching the news. I don`t know the current issues.

I feel lighter somehow.The ideology of my youth expected a hell of a lot more out of us as a planet by this point.
Flying cars would be nice...but how about cars that don`t pollute and people who don`t kill other people.
The Sun is right there every day. For $10,000 (and the price would go down if more of us were doing it) you can put a solar collector pannel on your roof and then the electric company will send YOU a check every month for the extra you are putting back into the grid.
Wind power...there are actually polital fights going on in this country right now because people are fighting having the giant windmills put in their neck of the woods because they are ughly. Here's a great solution...lets tell them that's fine we'll put the windmills somewhere else so you don't have to look at them...and oh by the way we'll be building this nuclear waste dump in your back yard but you shouldn't have a problem with that because it's completely underground so you won't have to look at it.

I really hope we just have a skewed perspective here in the modern day Holy Roman Empire and that people in the other modernized nations of the world don't think like we do. Well...the "royal we" ... lets hope they do think more like me and cheesey.


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