Sunday, March 28, 2004'll love this.
I just sent this to WIP.
So much for Philly Sports Radio while in the garden this summer.

I just called into the local radio station...ended up sending this as my comment on their website.

I would just like to thank you guys for my first and last call in experience today with Steve Fredericks & Reuben Frank. First of all you are morons. You should really know your facts better for people who have a sports talk radio show you say, “Uh” and, “I think it was some year, I don’t remember” way too much. I know girls who have a better handle on sports facts than you do. You are also rude, I do not appreciate being hung up on after being on hold for half an hour.

And now for the points you missed by not listening.

You were looking for devastating loss to a community.

I gave you the largest stadium in the state with 106,000 people who instantly went from rabid screaming to dead silence. The whole way out to the parking lot nobody spoke. I have never seen the air come out of a place like that.

People who had already made their reservations for the Sugar Bowl because we knew Joe would win and probably retire after.

Yes...a frenzied drive ended on a tipped ball and the perfect season was no more.
Joe has had more loosing seasons in the 4 years since that game than he had his whole career up to that point.

That game changed the course of Penn State Football.
And I know you don’t understand, because you were mumbling something about it when I turned my radio back on after you hung up on me, what being a part of the Penn State Community is. There is a reason we say, “We Are Penn State”
It makes me smile to know that is something you do not now nor will you ever understand.

You had a shot at making a new listener this afternoon. You could have agreed or disagreed with me or argued your point and I would have been onboard for sure. But you were rude and stupid so I’ll go back to WXPN on my radio and I’ll turn on my friends radio stations when I want to listen to sports...she listens to the New York sports stations...Now those talk show folks really know what they are talking about! Too bad I hate the Yankees.


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