Sunday, January 04, 2004

I’m Angry at plastic!

Any of us who have seen the movie The Graduate will remember the scene where some old fucker spills on a young Dustin Hoffman his philosophy of life summed up in one word…”Plastics.”
The way of the future.
And now I begin to wonder.
We as an American society embrace the ‘Bigger, Better, Faster, More’ mentality with glee charging up that hill to keep up with the Jones’s. We rarely stop to consider the consequences or the future really. Only later do we discover that blah blah blah was bad for us and is killing people. Recent examples would be things as simple as putting plastic over something before putting it in the microwave…well now 30 years after the fucking things become commonplace they (the mysterious all knowing ‘they’) figure out and tell us (us being those who are not they) that somehow the microwaves which we really don’t fucking understand worth a lick but woo hoo we can cook a steak in 30 seconds…can’t wait til they figure out why cooking with microwaves is killing us or poisoning the atmosphere or something…that those microwaves are doing something to the plastic and it’s bombarding our food with little toxic particles.
I’m angry that we do things that are bad for us.
Things that “Take days off your life”
If my life is all I have and all I ever have who the fuck are you corporate America to steal days from me?
And who the fuck am I to do the things that will take days off the end.
And what doesn’t any of it matter if a garbage truck can come by and crush you to death in your car and nothing you ever did like that matters.
What does it really matter how many packs of cigarettes a day you smoke or how many times a week you go to the gym if you happen to have bought a ticket on one of those planes that hit the twin towers? Or if you worked there and got to work early that morning?

But we were talking about things like plastic. How about Aluminum? We drink billions of sodas in it and wrap food in it. I was in college when I figured out tomatoe sauce made aluminum foil disintegrate when I found big holes in the foil over a dish of lasagna…ate it all anyway. Most of my pots and pans are aluminum and some are so old you can see gouges in the bottom of the pot where thousands of cans of soup and spaghettios were stirred in them. And now with my fathers Altzheimers we come to find out that the one (and only I believe) thing all patients with altzheimers have in common is that they find aluminum in their brains.
Aluminum in their brains!

Do I even need to discuss Aspartame? Used to be called Nutra-Sweet but then they figured out that it was causing all kinds of brain problems from migraines to tumors (the brain cancer rate in the US went up like 9000% in the first 10 years of Nutrasweet hitting the market). You can’t buy NutraSweet anymore. But that same shit with it’s technical name is still in everything.
Hello…it’s BAD! Stop making it. Don’t change the name. Fucking stop making it.

I live right near an abandoned Asbestos factory. Next to that there is a mountain of Asbestos. I mean it. The government decided they couldn’t move it so they put dirt on top and grew grass and trees on top of that. Don’t mind the razor wire fence around it…isn’t it a pretty little mountain on the edge of town. What’s that? It’s leaking into the stream that feeds the river where one of the largest cities in America gets half of it’s drinking water from? Oh. Ok. Lets build a weird little concrete wall type thing next to the creek to see if we can keep the asbestos out of the water. Hmmm….I wonder if they test my little towns water supply for Asbestos…we use wellwater so I’m sure something is leeching into it. Lovely.

They test shit on mice and then say it’s ok for us. What the fuck? How do they know what 30 years of an artificial sweetener will do to our bodies? Or that hair color she is putting on her head every month.
The worst part is…if they tell us it’s bad 9 out of 10 people will 9 out of 10 times choose to do the thing that is bad for us anyway. No wonder the government doesn’t fucking care about us. We don’t seem to care about ourselves or eachother.


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